Saturday, July 25, 2009

Leng 的生日 (part 2)

在家裡切了蛋糕後, 大夥兒的決定就是去下一站繼續慶祝. 選來選去總算選了在不夜城卡拉OK包廂房唱歌.

實際上, 那一晚的人實在太多, 房間內的冷氣碰巧也沒有力 =,=" 所以搞到我們一堆人都表演脫衣秀. =,=" 當晚的美女們都大飽眼福, 一堆猛男秀肌肉+肥油+排骨 @@" 因為當晚我們的口號就是 "係男人的就除左件衫!!!"

這是其中一位以拍照為藉口, 以為能夠逃過一劫的Wai. 開始的時候, 我們派了美女去用美人計. 他還爽爽的叫我幫他拍照.

但是真正要拍的是這張. ^^"

Yeap試圖以睡覺來逃過一劫... 當然, 他還是逃不掉...

我們當然也不會放過Wang, 但是那傢伙實在是太大只了. 只好以Irene來威脅他囉 =,="

自然他是無法逃離我們的魔掌 ^^" 大只佬再大也敵不過我們人多...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Leng 的生日

抱歉 抱歉... 請大家多多包涵... 小狐忙到暈頭轉向@@" 上一篇的預告後, 原本打算儘快把照片收拾好後, 放上來. 那裡知道, 就是搞不完 =,="

上一篇結尾的照片, 的確引人遐思. 其實, 也只不過是一個生日派對. ^^" 那一晚, 大夥兒都到了... 可是主角卻還沒出現. 所以只好將就點, 把來賓們拍起來囉.

當然, 俊男美女會比較受歡迎一點囉~ 男的高大威猛, 女的嬌小玲瓏.... 其實如果Irene躲到Wang身後, 本狐是絕對不會察覺到她的存在. =,="

當然, 也乘機會把一些在場的小孩拍了下來. 這張照片實際上, 因為閃光燈太強. 已經是完蛋了. 可是經過修改後, 發覺還蠻不錯的感覺 ^^"

還是在等待主角的出現... 最後, 連蛋糕都拍了... 只是想不到居然有三個蛋糕 @@"

千呼萬喚始出來, 當天晚上的主角總算扮靚靚出來了... 她就是本狐的乾妹妹之一Leng. ^^"

還好點蠟燭的蛋糕只有一個, 不然只是許願都得許三次... 本狐拍照或許不累, 但是許願的人或許已經累倒 =,="

但是比較特別的就是當晚的蠟燭, 一個成年少女+兩個未成年男孩居然吹不灭... 而且還是連續不斷的吹了至少6次. 真不知道, 她的朋友從那裡找來醬搞笑的蠟燭. =,="


Saturday, July 11, 2009


工作量最近又增加了 =,=" 從早上做到晚上, 累到實在是暈頭轉向... @@"

無奈... 東海岸是全國目前表現最差的區... 全國的手指都指著這裡...

到底是區域經理管理不當? 還是我們這些前鋒辦事不力? 或是公司銷售策略出錯? 還是太多的行政部門掀起的"內政"風浪搞到朝令夕改?

對於自己的表現, 捫心自問, 已經盡力而為, 然而市場經濟蕭條所帶來的後果並不是區區在下可以解決.

下了決心, 要做好本份. 所有上繳的報告, 我都會做備份. 所有收集回來的資料, 決定要以電郵方式轉交到經理手上. 啥都好, 我要保護自己的屁股 =,="

算了, 不開心的事情, 不想多寫... 把下一篇的其中一張照片先放上來預告一下... 讓大家心思思 ^^"

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I finally completed all my updates on my web albums. I think it is time to show all of you what kind of pictures I had taken. ^^" I will still shoot more pictures in future. Hope you guys enjoy the show over there. ^^"

花了不少時間收拾一堆照片後, 總算把它們都上載到picasa. 如今, 總算可以把網址放上來讓大家看看. 過去拍了不少照片, 但是都沒有時間好好整理. 希望大家可以前去看看小狐的作品. 謝謝嚕~

Friday, July 3, 2009

NCC09 - Gala Dinner

Sorry for not updating for a long time... I'd been very very busy these few weeks. Finally, I manage to squeeze some time out to post this.

This was actually during the NCC during May. This was the 2nd night dinner. As per usual, all our company's dinner and events. Food is really not that important. Dinner was supposed to start at 7pm. But, we were all drinking starting from 7pm. I love attending all these events coz normally I will get the chance of drinking Kilkenny(My favourite!! Too bad we don't have it in Kuantan).

Pre-dinner performance... These 2 fellas sing very well. The whole crowd at the hall were really enjoying. ^^"

This was the opening dance for the dinner. This was actually one of the best show ever for all the events I had attended.These dancers really can dance. ^^" The theme was actually different culture of performances. There were country, disco, shang hai, bollwood, rock n roll...

And not to forget this is one of my favourite of that night, hip-hop. ^^" She really can dance!

Oh... That night our team performance was actually bollywood. Each region had to perform one performance.

The story was something like... long long time ago there is a lovely lady... ^^" But the lady is actually a pondan =,="

But... I didn't know they have this part =,="

Shang Hai team @@" They were from east Malaysia... and they actually really learned how to sing "Shang Hai Tan"...

And guess what... our Central EDP team actually did the make up like rock stars. @@"

I almost forgot about these lovely ladies... ^^" Actually there are a lot more pictures. But, I can't really put all of them here.

This is one of my favourite picture of the night. This is the main entrance of the hotel. ^^" Forgot to bring tri-pod... took me 5 shots just to get a good shot.