Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chukka @ Hyatt Regency, Kuantan

I had been down for some time. I had been drinking for everynight for some time too... I do not know when I can get up again. But, I believed that I will get up 1 day.

Here are some of the pictures I had taken way back on the 11th Feb at Chukka, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Kuantan, Malaysia.

This is still 1 of my favourite place to hang out. February was one of the busiest month for me. Coz, CNY arriving, I was working day and night, without any off days for 2 months.

That night, I was actually invited by this lady to join her for a drink there. It happened to be 1 of the nights that I got that feeling to drink and listen to the band. So I went there... Thanks for asking me to join u there Malisa.

This band here... er... I can't remember the name again... =,=" They can sing~ they can dance~

And they are willing to pose for me!!! ^^"

Look at that!!! Aren't they cool on stage?

What I can say is, currently they are still the best band in Kuantan. Trust me, coz I went to all the outlets that have live bands...

Cigarette break~

Here is Malisa showing off her tounge to me =,="

Trust me, it wasn't easy at all to get a shot like this.... Coz those lights really can move~ @@"

There she goes again~ Thanks for posing for me again Jurilyn~ You are HOT!!!

You are HOT too~ @@" Man~ I am speechless... =,="

Of course, I won't forget to grab the chance to give my lovely model a hug. ^^"

Thursday, February 18, 2010


兩個月多了... 我以為傷口已經結疤, 怎知道, 這幾天見到她... 才發現傷口從來沒有停止過流血... 好痛...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

新年快樂! 虎年行好運!

總算可以收工了... 今年的農曆新年促銷, 大致上一切順利. 在這裡得多謝仔仔, 沒有他的幫忙, 我絕對會半路暈倒 =,="

仔仔多謝你嚕~ 沒有你我們絕對排不到醬高的貨....

在新的一年, 回顧去年... 心情實在是酸甜苦辣樣樣都有... 有前女友的絕情, 有一堆工作上的荊棘滿途....

希望虎年可以狐假虎威, 一切順利...

借此機會, 向大家拜年... 希望大家虎年行好運, 也希望天下有情人終成眷屬...

Monday, February 8, 2010

有隻老虎? 兩隻老虎? 沒有老虎?

好可愛的一首歌~ ^^" 絕對會是今年農曆新年最可愛的賀歲歌~

由華納群星合唱~ 希望大家也會愛上這首歌 ^^"
