Saturday, April 17, 2010

婚禮系列 - 芸香 - 新郎來了

遠處傳來汽車的喇叭聲~ 新郎來囉~ 快點準備~ 快點關門~ 快點放狗~ =,=" 咦? 家裡沒有養狗? 快把阿狐放出去~ @@"

欣堂弟負責開門, 當然先得把價錢調高點 ^^"

新郎: 九塊九毛九~
欣: 一口價! 九百九十九~
新郎: 哇咾~

殺價成功後, 新郎總算過了第一關...

無端端放個水桶在地上幹嘛? 原來是尋寶遊戲... 桶裡面裝著冰水, 水上漂著一堆有的沒的, 水底下藏著一堆硬幣 =,="

關口二 就是得用腳指頭把硬幣全部拿出來.... @@"

其實最可怕的還是第三關... 首先, 得派其中一位兄弟, 用嘴巴把撲克牌吸著...

然後以親親的方式, 一個接一個傳送到最後一位兄弟... 各位兄弟們~ 你們都得犧牲色相嚕~ @@"

兄弟1: 親就親啦~ 幹嘛還抱著我? =,="
兄弟2: 沒辦法丫~ 人家習慣醬子親法... @@"

原本以為會還有很多關口... 但是, 原來, 最後, 就是直接進房間嚕 =,="
呵呵~ 輕鬆過關 ^^"

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

婚禮系列 - 芸香 - 化妝

其實, 這些照片早就應該放上來... 這一系列也早就應該寫了... 因為實際上, 這婚禮是在去年十一月舉行的. 就因為小狐這段期間, 忙昏了頭... @@" 連這些照片都是最近才整理完畢.

那天, 早上六點半起床... 在半夢半醒的狀況下, 把一切裝備整理好後, 便等待著狐堂弟把我帶去拍攝地點. 畢竟已經拍攝過了不少婚禮, 這一次決定儘量把之前 - 之後的感覺拍出來.

預約的化妝師本應該在7:30左右抵達, 偏偏就因為路不熟而終於在8:00左右抵達...

在拍了幾張作業中的照片後, 便跑下樓去吃早點. 狐五叔預定了自由餐式的早點招待客人. 在八點鍾左右, 親朋戚友們也陸續來到.

化妝師經過一番時間後, 總算把妝給化好了... 當然新娘子得滿意才行. ^^"

接下來的就是弄髮型了... 其中一個部分, 化妝師兼髮型師需要新娘子幫忙抓住頭髮. =,="

結果有了這一張很可愛的照片. ^^"

總算, 在預定的時間之前, 大功告成 ^^" 在簡單的上頭紗儀式後... 新娘子漂亮嗎? ^^"

過後, 自然就是全家福大合照... @@" 這一個階段, 拍了很多照片... 無法在這裡一一放上來. 有興趣的話, 可以到狐的面子書看看 ^^"

大合照過後, 新娘子總算可以抱著小豬休息... 等待新郎的到來. ^^"

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lau's Farewell

Fire!!! ^^"

Well... This fella received memo from their HQ and found out that he is going to be transferred to KL. So he decided to have a little party at his house.

Wai was there helping to bring up the fire... But as you can see... compared to the very 1st photo. He wasn't that successful. haha~

Just like normal BBQ parties. Standard items are... BBQ + girls who will help to prepare the food.

Some of people just sit and eat most of the time. hahahaha~

Well... most of the food were cleared. But we were not able to finish them all. 2nd round? Anyone?

Poor doggie was dying to get out of the cage to help out with the food. @@"

Well, kind of like this kind of parties. Not too much people, but most of us can get along and talk to each other. By the way, thanks to the girls who were so friendly to pose for me that night. ^^"