1. What is it? 這是啥?
This is a big activity day that everyone in the company go to do some community work and actually bring some love and care to the society or environment.
這一天, 全公司的職員都不用工作. 放假? 我其實也很想... 只不過,事實上卻是大家都日行一善. ^^" 回饋社會.
2. What we did? 我們做了啥?
We ran a book donation campaign for a school's library. Other than that, we held a little common knowledge quiz for the kids to take part.
我們舉辦了一個贈送書籍運動. 此外, 我們也辦了個小型的常識比賽.
3. What I did? 狐做了啥?
Er... Basically, I am the camera man + the quiz question setter, the quiz coordinator & the answer sharing man with the kids. ^^"
比較平常的就是當攝影師囉~ 除此之外, 我也是比賽考題的出題人, 負責人兼講解人. @@"
Pimp my ride~ The GAB version. =,="
第一件事情就是把交通工具準備好... @@" 這台不是狐的車子, 是狐同事滴... 狐的車子太髒了... =,="
Group photo before we took off... Smile~ Cheese~ Konica~ Oi!!! At least must see 2 big teeth lar!!!
大合照, 狐把相機交給同事跑進去搶鏡頭 =,="
Books are heavy you know? @@" Work harder you slaves!!! =,="
搬書(輸)不好意頭捏~ 搬"贏"可以嗎? =,="
Well, we know health is very important too, so we brought some malta drinks for all the kids to keep them healthy. ^^"
唸書很辛苦的... 我們也帶了一些健康飲料來給小孩們喝... ^^" 放心吧, 不含酒精的...
Er... Permanent knots or temporary knots? Oi... We hang these all the time lar brother... =,="
喂~ 有那麼難綁嗎? 我們一直都有在綁這些呀 =,="
Who is the naughty 1? Why never help out with the banner ar? Wanna try my "ROTAN" skill ar? @@"
誰不乖阿? 不聽話的同學, 叔叔的神鞭功夫要不要試試看阿?
Get ready for quiz to start...
Here comes the victims... 1 by 1 stepping in to the trap. =,="
可憐的羔羊一步步地走進了陷阱.... =,=" 外頭一整堆的狼群等待著美食.... =,="
Students are working very hard... So are the invigilators...
同學們都很努力的在回答問題... 我們也很努力的在監考 @@"
Those who finished, handed up their papers to us, and we transformed into "markers" @@"
現在又變身成為改考卷的"老師" =,=" 但是, 好像沒記錯的話, 我們誤人子弟的本事應該比較利害. @@"
Our managers had a group photo with the winners and the principal. ^^"
兩位經理級人物, 校長, 以及優勝者來個大合照 ^^"
Found this in the newspaper ^^"
我們的活動上報了喔 ^^"
I am really glad that we did something for the society, the community, the school and most importantly... to the kids. Hope these smiles, laughter and happiness can grow on. ^^"
其實, 一看到公司要搞這類型的活動. 狐覺得很開心... 很多東西, 狐都自動自發的自薦, 或者帶頭跑去做了.... ^^"
很喜歡孩子們的笑顏... 天真的孩子, 希望你們好好珍惜每一個學習的機會. ^^" 攝於23/7/2010