Monday, June 22, 2009

10,000 Hits 10,000人次

不經不覺, 自己寫部落也寫了一年多. 今天居然留意到遊覽本站的人次已超過10,000人次了 @@" 感謝大家的支持. 本狐肚子裡的墨水不多,攝影技術也只是個"初哥",待人處事更是亂七八糟 @@"
沒有你們的支持, 本站或許早就收檔囉~ ^^"
我會繼續寫, 繼續拍照, 繼續的把自己周圍一些值得紀錄的事情給紀錄下來. 期待著未來能給大家帶來更多的驚喜. 謝謝 ^^"


I didn't even notice that my blog's visitors hit has reached 10,000. I was like stoned for a while. Then, there is a voice in me saying that... phew... Some people still visit my blog. Hahaha...

I am not a very good author. Sometimes, I write things with the way like grand mother stories... it never ends... =,=" Sometimes, I put up pictures that actually sucks... @@" I did those coz my mind or my mood was really in that mode. =,="

I actually really appreciate all your supports throughout this one year plus. I wish that everyone who visited my blog actually really enjpoyed 1 single post, 1 single photo, or maybe even 1 sentence I had posted.

I will continue blogging. I hope I will be able to bring joy to everyone who were here. Thank you.



明用一凡  said...


阿晶 regine said...

这也算是一种成就吧.. 恭喜啦!

慧慧 said...




明記 - 我的人氣咩... 還好啦, 寫了一年多才破一萬... 你的粉絲超多的說 @@"

阿晶 - 謝謝... 其實這對我來說是另外一種推動力 ^^"

慧慧 - 我家的計算器好像不能玩這一招, 它好像是認IP的. ^^"

狐狸 said...

恭喜大狐~恭喜~ =x