Friday, June 25, 2010

Counting down... 5 days 倒數5天

Counting down the days and nights I have before leaving Kuantan.... I think I didn't really have enough time in here yet... @@"

A mixture of sadness for leaving and the feeling of excitement and insecurity to explore an unknown territory for me makes me kind of dizzy =,="

And yet.... HR department haven't sent any official letter to confirm my transfer there... =,="

開始了... 倒數五天, 我即將離開關丹...

心情是有點迷糊的... 對於這裡的一切, 依依不捨.... 對於即將面對的一切, 帶著些許興奮及不安...

只是, 人事部的信... 到今天都還沒收到 =,="

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