Talked about BRJ... YEAH... Back to the good old days, where all of us went there for tea break after studies, after gaming all night @@" This is one of the earliest mamak that operates 24 7 365... We were there to celebrate friends' Bday, we were there to meet up with other mirc chat room's members, we were there... etc. There were so many things happened there or started there... hahaha...
Ok, let's go back to the topic. After all the walking around KLCC, both of us were tired and finally decided to go to mamak. So before we went there I called up Olivia(my cyber sis). I asked her: "hey, BRJ still exist?" She replies: "Of coz, they are even better nowdays!" So, we went there together. ^^"
First scene on site? Wow!! Nowdays TARCIANS are everywhere near there!! Just like the good old days... And looking for BRJ?? WoW!!! They renovated and become better too... More seats, big projector screens, wi-fi too...
說起當年, 不勝唏噓... 當年, 這個地方是我們一班朋友為朋友慶祝生日的地方, 它也是我們常去喝茶的地方. 畢竟, 當年它也是第一家全年無休, 二十四小時營業的餐廳... 還沒去到那裡之前, 打了個電話給Olivia(偶乾妹), 問她:"BRJ還存在嗎?" 她說: "人家現在還擴張營業捏..."
去到那裡, 嚇到... 哇~ 好多人喔... 找停車位都不容易. 轉了個圈, 碰巧有車子離開才有停車位 @@" 走到BRJ, 發現新大陸, 的確擴張了, 從當年的一間店面, 改成現在的高級摩摩檔 @@" 有投射螢幕, 還有WI-FI @@"
Basicly, Jesson can't take spicy food at all =,=" so, after looking through their menu and I ordered this - Roti Tisu!!! He loves it since his first bite ^^" Crispy & sweet...
小昇不能吃辣 =,=" 只好點了這個"紙巾面餅" 也就是印度煎餅的一種... 印度大兄把麵粉搓成一團後, 再用旋轉技術把面團甩來甩去... 把面團甩到變成薄薄的一片後, 才拿去煎, 煎好的時候又乘熱把面團弄成照片中的形狀. 工程浩大捏... 不過,小昇倒是吃個不亦樂乎.. 又香又脆 ^^"
He's loving it!!!
有圖為證!!! ^^" 哈哈...
I also ordered the roti john to let him try out. Coz this is a bit spicy, so I even told the mamak not to put chili sauce. @@" Guess what? He loves this too ^^"
下一道是約翰麵包 - 把雞蛋跟一些餡料(通常都是肉碎,洋蔥之類的) 煎好後, 夾在事前煎好的長麵包內. 這個呢? 小昇也是吃到讚不絕口 ^^"
Well, we actually waited for Olivia to show up. She was late coz couldn't find a place to park. =,=" So, we talked and eat some more lor... She had maggie goreng & teh tarik. O... she let Jesson tried some too... But, I can't remember what's his response. I only remembered he looked for drinks after trying the noodles =,="
After this, we said goodbye and went to the Malaysia eye. I wasn't expecting much, just hoping to be able to find it still there with lights on. And it took me quite a while just to find the correct location of this place @@" TAdAA~ lovely isn't it? ^^" This picture was taken right before it is removed and relocated at Melaka. So, this is my first visit to the eye at Titiwangsa Lake and it is my last time I guess... By the way, it was midnight already, I was wondering why there are still some peoples with family having picnic there. I mean like having picnic there is ok. But, come on man~ It was midnight already @@" Please look behind Jesson, on the ground... those were food & drinks =,="
Suddenly, it was raining again... =,=" we rushed back to the van, then head back to hotel and rest... Coz tomorrow we have a long way to go... (to be continue)
在那裡吃東西的時候, 我們同時間也等待著Olivia的到來. 珊珊來遲的原因 - 找不到停車位 =,=" 她點了拉茶還有炒泡麵. 兩樣都讓小昇試吃了一點, 沒啥記得小昇的反應, 因為我只記得他吃了點面就拼命喝飲料 =,=" 他說很辣...
吃飽喝足後, 跟偶乾妹說掰掰後. 我們前往了馬來西亞之眼去看看夜景. 沒想到, 十年沒去過的那個公園居然還讓我費了不少功夫去認路 =,=" 碰巧那麼天倫在被我拍了沒多久之後, 就整個搬到馬六甲去了. @@" 我相信這應該是我的最後一次去這個公園了... 令我感到驚奇的是 - 已經是午夜十二點多了, 怎麼還有人帶著一家大小在那裡野餐? (看看照片中, 小昇背後的地上那一堆食物+飲料) @@" 拜託啦~ 半夜了拉, 小孩子遲睡對身體不好捏...
小昇的反應還是如常的 : "哇~ 好靚阿~" 只是, 突然間~ 又下雨了... 我們只好三步兩步快快跑回車子... 然後, 乖乖回酒店休息了(待續)
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