Thursday, April 9, 2009

小昇游馬記 - 最長的車程 Jesson’s trip to Malaysia - Longest car ride

Waked up in the morning, still blur @@" I can't decide what's for brunch(breakfast+lunch), so I called Olivia as what she mentioned last night about the Ampang Yong Tau Fu near her place. So, after a short conversation asking about how to get there. We drove all the way just to try that out. Too bad, it's just normal Yong Tau Fu =,=" Nothing much special... Anyway, we were hungry, so basicly everything ended up in our stomach. =,="

睡醒後, 真的拿不定主意該去吃些啥... 想起昨晚跟Olivia談起的安邦釀豆腐. 據說在她家附近開了家分行... 乾脆打個電話邀她一起進餐了. 吃了過後, 沒啥特別, 湯有點咸... =,=' 不過, 全部都祭了五臟廟... 肚子餓咩 =,='

After that, we are on the journey to Kuala Terengganu. On the way, he saw something new and snap this... Hahaha... It's a dummy waving red flags... According to him, there is no such thing in Hong Kong.

吃飽後, 繼續開車前往瓜拉登嘉樓. 路途中, 看到了人偶揮紅旗... @@" 據他的說法呢, 在香港從來沒有這樣的東西. 哈哈...

On the way, we stop for a few times(toilet break, tea break etc...) O.. during the tea break(Kuantan), I let him tried mee siam and teh tarik. He is OK with the teh tarik, but samething happens again. One bite at the mee siam he started drinking like mad man... =,=" According to him it's very very spicy. @@" So, we carried on our journey until we reached Awana Kijal. Coz, we were in the vehicle for the passed 4 & half hours. It's really time to let him have a look at something else other than our local roads side scene =,=".

半路上, 我們停車好幾次(上廁所, 喝杯茶等等...) 對了, 下午茶的時候, 我讓小昇試吃本地的mee siam(馬來式炒米粉)還有本地的拉茶. 拉茶基本上對他來說沒有問題. 只是那米粉他吃了一小口後, 又是拼命灌水... 對他來說還是太辣了... @@" 然後就是繼續路程直到Awana Kijal. 今天幾乎一睡醒, 我們倆就一直呆在車內(四小時半左右)... 所以, 是時候讓小昇透一透氣...

Well, it's not everyday for Jesson to be able to goto the beach. So, I brought him to the resort's beach. So, at least he knows that here... People go swimming with cloths on =,=" It's almost 7pm in the eveining. We are at east coast, so don't expect any good pictures for sunset. @@"

難得帶著小昇來到海邊, 對他來說, 去海邊是很難得的事情. @@" 雖然說, 這個沙灘也不怎麼樣 =,=" 至少我讓他知道, 在本地是有很多人穿衣服去海邊游泳+玩水滴... =,=" 喔, 別抱怨照片不美麗, 因為我們身在東海岸, 是沒有漂亮的夕陽滴....

We spent about half-an hour walking around the resort. Not gonna stay here anyway... Coz we are going to Redang Island tomorrow. hehe... So, it's just normal "see see look look" only.

我們在這裡走馬看花了大概半小時. 為啥不在這裡住一夜呢? 因為明天我們將會前往樂浪島 ^^"

Part of the lobby, actually it's not bad to stay there. But if you are asking about the sea and the beach. I would say it ain't good enough.. ^^"
這是酒店大廳的一角, 其實這家酒店真的不錯. 只是講到沙灘跟海洋, 還不夠好. ^^"

After that, I brought him for a quick dinner at Koh Hiong Seafood Restaurant, Paka. I ordered something simple. Just a plate of vege and a plate of black sauce pork. It's nice though... ^^" This place is one of my favourite stop during my journey back to Terengganu. ^^"
過後, 我帶他去到北加的一間餐廳, 故鄉海鮮飯店. 這是我常去的店, 因為價錢公道, 食物又合口味. ^^" 我點了一牒清炒蔬菜另外多一個黑醬油豬肉 ^^" 簡單得來又好吃...
Finally, we arrived at Kuala Terengganu around 9pm. After a short break at my home. I brought him out to the floating mosque to take a few shots. And of course, I did bring him around town to tell him some stories about Terengganu. (to be continue)
最後, 我們總算在晚上九點抵達目的地. 在帶小昇回家洗澡後, 我帶他到比較特別的水上回教堂拍夜景. 當然, 免不了也帶他到處游車河, 順便介紹一下本地的一些事情. (待續)


petite girl said...

Can... whenever u are in kl and not in a rush lo hehe ...


petite girl - er... Do you mean the mushroom?