一覺醒來... 還在迷糊之中, 把小昇叫醒. 洗刷後, 帶他去吃本地的特餐 =,="
The "roti paong" <-- I don't really know how is it spelled, but I had been pronouning it that way refering to that little bun I was holding in my hand. It came in 4 pieces for a set, served with local home made kaya and butter. All you have to do is just wipe either one of those on to the hot and tasty buns... Anyway, he liked it ^^"
著名的小麵包 ^^" 大家吃過的話應該忘不了... 熱烘烘, 香甜可口的小麵包配上店家特製的咖椰漿或是普通的牛油... 都讓人讚不絕口 ^^" 當然, 我們家小昇也吃個不亦樂乎
I also ordered this for him to tryout 1 of Malaysian's favourite breakfast - half boiled eggs. He said it's kind of weird =,="
我也沒忘記讓他試試看本地人常吃的早點之一, 半生熟蛋. 他的反應? 他說怪怪的... =,="
We can't stay long, coz we had a boat to catch. Right after the meal, we rushed all the way to Merang Jetty. That's the place where we can get the boat to Redang Island.
We can't stay long, coz we had a boat to catch. Right after the meal, we rushed all the way to Merang Jetty. That's the place where we can get the boat to Redang Island.
After all the registration etc... we finally started our journey. Great view~ isn't it?
報到後, 等了一會兒就是上船, 開船... 特地跑到船尾, 漂亮吧? ^^"
A view ahead ^^" We were staying at Redang Bay Resort
船頭一顧, 碧海藍天... 對了, 大家如果有興趣知道我們住的度假村請按Redang Bay Resort
The boat ride took us around 30-40 mins, upon arrival we are requied to listen to some simple briefings. Stuff like don't step on corals, don't steal anything from the seabed etc... After dumping all our stuff in the room. I brought him de-tour the island ^^" White sands, blue sky, great ocean... Jesson was like: "Wow~ That's great~ Aw~ Beautiful~ My God~ This is great~ Wow~ Perfect~" <--- and it went on and on.... OK? Trust me, this is the first time ever he actually stepped into a place like this. ^^"
船程大約30-40分鐘, 抵步後就是度假村工作人員的一些"訓話" =,=" 就是那些不許踩珊瑚, 不許采珊瑚之類的=,=" 不過, 對於第一次前往海島的遊客, 這些都是必須知道的^^" 把行李丟在房間裡, 我們就到處趴趴走~ 白色的沙灘, 藍的天, 白的雲, 藍的海... 小昇不斷發出: "哇~ 好靚~ 天啊~ 好美喔~" <-- 不絕於耳 ^^"
This is one of my favourite view for this resort, Laguna Redang. =,=" Too bad I wasn't staying there, coz it was too costly. I just wished that I am a millionaire.
這是其中一家度假村, 也是我原本計畫中的目標. 可惜, 小狐不是有錢人... 唉~ 大家有興趣的話, 詳情請參考此度假村的資料Laguna Redang.
I think most of you had watched the Hong Kong movie - Summer Holiday featuring Richie Ren and Sammi Cheng. This is a small convinient store re-builded exactly the same like what it was in the movie right beside the original location. Why was it relocated? O... Coz they actually built the whole Laguna Redang Resort on the original location. ^^"
I think most of you had watched the Hong Kong movie - Summer Holiday featuring Richie Ren and Sammi Cheng. This is a small convinient store re-builded exactly the same like what it was in the movie right beside the original location. Why was it relocated? O... Coz they actually built the whole Laguna Redang Resort on the original location. ^^"
也許大家都看過了這一部電影 - 夏日摩摩茶. 這一部電影中的小酒店也就是跟這一棟建築物一模一樣的. 只不過原本是這棟建築物的原地, 已經改建成了之前說過的度假村.
I had actually posted the activities after lunch in Jesson's trip to the middle of the sea. So I won't be repeating the same topic here. Though it was in chinese, but I will try to translate all those into english asap. ^^" (If there is any request do let me know) After the trip into the middle of the sea. We didn't go back to sleep =,=" We continue swimming, and I did a lot of photo taking.
其實關於午餐後的活動, 我已經在小昇出海記寫過了. 所以不會再次重播@@" 接下來的都是之前沒寫過的一些東西. ^^"
That's me standing in the sea... I was so worry... If I dropped my DSLR into the ... Hahaha... Luckily it didn't happen. ^^"
這就是小狐站在海中的自拍照 @@" 現在回鄉, 要是那個時候... 一個不小心, 相機玩跳水的話... 哈哈... 還好沒有發生過... ^^"
Anyone heard about enter sandman? No? Don't worry here is a picture to show you how sandman is like. =,="
It was really a perfect view. Believe it or not, I even wished that I can live here forever.
已經不知道是第幾次了... 幻想著自己可以在此終老~
This was Jesson's favourite post of the day. @@"
小昇最愛的大字型浦士 @@"
Here is Jesson trying to perform a special dance to entertain those girls he just met. @@"
That was him after satisfying those girls... and they let him played volleyball with him. =,="
表演完畢才可以跟那些美眉打排球 =,="
Dinner was great too, we had BBQ dinner all prepared by the resort staff. After dinner, we went night shooting and here are the results. Nice?
晚餐吃的是度假村準備的燒烤大餐... 可惜, 都忘記要拍照了 =,=" 吃飽後, 就是拍夜景的時刻...
This was taken by using the timer... I was like: "Ready?? OK!!! Here I come~!!" (running to make my pose) @@"
這個咩, 就是搞自拍... 設好倒數後, 就得衝衝衝啊~ 而且還要把自己弄得臉不紅, 氣不喘 @@" (好難啊~)
O... Something I need to show off a bit... My temp tattoo. Why not get a real 1? Coz I don't know which 1 to choose =,="
還可以吧? 小狐一時興起, 跑去玩暫時性紋身... ^^" 怎麼不弄個真的? 沒辦法丫~ 那麼多圖案, 都不懂該選那個? =,="
Second day, we left Redang, and drove all the way to Kuantan after a lunch break at Kuala Terengganu. Kuantan? I really don't know where to bring him to... So, I actually let those ladies to take care of him for me. hahaha~ (to be continue)
第二天, 我們離開了樂浪島. 在瓜拉登嘉樓吃了午餐後, 直接驅車前往關丹. 在關丹該帶他去那裡玩? 我可不知道捏, 只好把他交給圖中的美女們"照顧"了... 哈哈~ (待續)
关丹多美女哦? 哇哈哈哈...
还有, 你们都很够力一下哦.. 众目睽睽下, 在沙滩酱拍照..
<<*Jesson×..*] says:
哇= =好一個表演芭蕾舞><.....人家可是在打球啦,可是不會打而已>"<
小昇 - 真的很像在跳舞咩...
阿晶 - 那些都是名花有主的啦... 如果還有印象的話,你應該記得我的澳門,珠海+香港游記的不愉快事件.
明用一凡 - 哈哈錯了... 我用18-55mm的kit lense
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