Today is a public holiday for Pahang. Actually didn't really wanna go out... But I had an lunch appointment with Wang & friends. So, actually spent almost the whole day out. On the way back home, saw this almost perfect sunset... So I snaped this right in front of a trafic light in my car. ^^"
So when I was back at home, got the feeling to tryout some new stuff that I just got for my DSLR.
This is the flash light I just got from my cousin. He told me won't need it anymore coz his old SLR is broken long long time ago. =,="
And these are the defusers for my pop up flash that I bought via a website. I wanted to tryout the differences for each colours for a long time but I had been busy. =,="
Here I started with blue...
Orange colour looks a bit warm ^^"
The white one actually improves the naturality for the pop up flash. ^^"
I am really new to photography... I actually have to try a lot of shots just to get 1 good picture that I like. As for today, around 50 pictures was taken... But, the one I like the most is this one. The picture of Wang covering his face with his hand. After edited in Photoshop. This is the effect I would like to show to people. He got huge hands ^^"
新怡 - 哇... 嚇我一跳, 才剛剛寫完, 妳就跑來留言 ^^" 不過, 我拍的照片, 早就遠遠超過500張嚕~ 不過,我的確還是新手 @@"
新怡 + 公主 - 看來我碰到夜貓子囉~ 改次有機會見面來去喝茶 ^^"
拍照很好玩喔? 可惜阿晶总是镜头拿捏不好, 拍出来的东东很像鬼...
明記 - 我從來沒想過會停止拍照 ^^" 只是有時候拿著DSLR通街跑很像記者 =,="
阿晶 - 我拍的鬼更加多... 要看嗎? =,="
明記 - 還好我們的功力不是很高罷了... 不然的話, 那裡輪到周星星縱橫港台影壇, 堅利利稱霸荷利活呢? @@"
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