Friday, May 1, 2009

小昇游馬記 - 最後一日 Jesson’s trip to Malaysia - Last Day

Last day for Jesson's trip in Malaysia. We woke up in the morning a bit late. Had an appointment to meet up for lunch with Regine. She selected One Utama to be our place to meet up. It isn't very far away from where we were that day. But, the traffic was really scary... Jammed all the way from LDP exit to One Utama... Then, the worst part is... Looking for a space to park my car took me 1 hour =,=" Both of us were hungry... in the end, I parked my car at a corner which is not suppose to be parked. =,="

We finally met up in Charms Cafe. Regine actually had posted about this meal. So I am going to just write a little about it.

日子過得很快, 終於來到了小昇游馬記的最後一日. 那一天, 約了阿晶吃飯. 地點是在One Utama, 距離我們下榻的酒店並不遠. 可是, 驅車過去那裡卻是個惡夢. =,=" 從高速公路轉入商場的十字路口到停車場入口, 花了快15分鐘... =,=" 更加可怕的就是, 在停車場內兜來轉去花了一小時還找不到停車位. @@" 肚子餓到頭昏腦脹, 最後胡亂的把車子停在一個角落. 然後期望著, 回來的時候車子沒被別人撞....

之前, 阿晶已經把這一餐寫入了她的部落Charms Cafe. 大家有興趣的話請光顧阿晶的窝.

This is Regine, she had actually changed her hair style... Lovely, isn't she? hehe...

這就是換了髮型的阿晶, 令人眼前一亮呢... ^^"

Creamy Turkey Pasta - I ordered this. Tasty... ^^" Love the way they cook it.

我所點的義大利面. 好吃, 味道恰到好處, 而且不會覺得太膩.

Lamb Charmer - served with rice, and those lamb chops are served "on fire". For me, the mutton tasted ok, but a bit too fat... By the way, special thanks to Regine, coz I was a bit broke. She took care of the bill. ^^"

這是阿晶跟小昇點的烤羊肉套餐. 對我來說, 那羊肉味道不錯, 可惜覺得羊肉有點太肥. 這套餐的賣點其實就是那送上來的時候還是生的羊肉. 要烤到多熟全由自己喜好... 對了, 得多謝阿晶, 這一餐讓阿晶掏腰包還了... 也不是說小狐還不起, 只是小狐那時候有點小窮 =,="

After the meal, we rushed to KLIA. After checking in, brought him walking around to have a look at this huge air port. =,=" Yes, it is huge, but it was not busy... Maybe I was there at a wrong time, but the huge air port gave me the cold feeling of emptiness..

吃飽後, 一路慢慢開車前往機場. 帶他去註冊後, 就在機場內到處晃... 沒錯, 機場很大, 可是沒有人... 一點忙碌的感覺都沒有...

Nice car... Wished I can have 1 =,="

新車展覽, 多希望自己可以擁有一台 =,="

There were some dance performance organized by the tourism board. So, at least Jesson had the chance to have a look at local traditional dance performances. But, there were not much people watching...

還好旅遊局有安排一些舞蹈節目, 可惜的是觀眾沒幾個... 但是也多虧有了他們, 我才能夠讓小昇見識一下本地的傳統舞蹈.

Before sending him off, brought him to KFC to try out local KFC food. Of course not as good as Hong Kong standard. =,="

I knew Jesson via internet gaming, I was like his big bro in the game. So, when the moment I visited Hong Kong and Macau, I met him and Leo(my big bro in the game) up. @@" He told me about coming to Malaysia for a visit during his holidays. I was really happy he actually selected to visit us here. This was the first time he actually left Hong Kong coming to a foreign country all by himself. It was a great trip for him and yet a great journey for me too... I drove about 2000 km. @@" But I actually like it this way, we took our own sweet time enjoying everything. Thanks for coming to Malaysia. I hope you had fun... although some of our local food did give you some nasty experience... hahaha...

最後, 帶他去吃"老記"炸雞. 畢竟, "麥記"帶他去吃過了, 至少也得讓他試試看本地老記跟香港老記有啥分別阿... ^^"

我跟小昇會認識, 其實都是因為以前小狐玩過的網上遊戲 - 三國演義ONLINE. 我就是他在遊戲中的老大, 別看醬子喔, 我們可真的在遊戲中結拜過的喔... @@" 在以前小狐前往香港還有澳門遊玩的時候, 有幸可以跟他還有獅子星(小狐在遊戲中的老大)見面. 也非常榮幸的, 小昇在選擇畢業旅行的時候, 選了馬來西亞作為他的第一次. ^^" 畢竟是他自己一個人第一次出國, 而且還是來到一個語言未必能夠溝通的地方. 我不知道對於自己的招待, 他會否滿意. 可是, 我希望這一次的旅程, 對他來說是滿意的, 開心的. 雖然, 我知道有些本地食物讓他吃足了苦... 哈哈...


慧慧 said...




chan - 這個咩... 沒有問題啦... 我跟阿晶醬熟只要沒有放火燒應該沒事的 @@" 還有這個link就是你的部落嗎?

慧慧 said...


Anonymous said...

狐: 阿陳留言用anonymous都可以阿 @@" 用不著查ic的啦 =,="

Anonymous said...

Testing testing
那天我用 anonymous明明是登陆不到的wor….

Anonymous said...

早知道就不show IC 啦!@.@ pengsan

Anonymous said...

不用阿... 直接就可以了 =,="

阿晶 regine said...

居然被摆上神台.. 阿晶畏高的哩.. -_-|||

呃.. 全变成无名氏了, 哈哈..


阿晶 - 不是很高啦... 而且我又沒有放火燒 =,="