Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Birthday 2009 牛一

I was back at hometown. So, the gang met up. We had some drinks, played some cards... It was all normal...

回鄉過生日+慶祝母親節, 結果晚上決定約一班朋友喝酒,唱歌,聊天,玩牌... 一切看起來蠻普通的...

When the moment was right... The cake arrived too... But, someone was there getting ready to ambush me. I survived that... ^^"

直到蛋糕出現後, 本狐慘遭暗算. 所幸的是, 本狐還算"硬頸". 逃過此劫. ^^"

But, there was another trap =,=" So, my face was like free drawing board for them @@"

但是隨後而來的卻讓我避不開... 頓時, 本狐變成了"花面狐" =,="

Thank you guys!!! For a night to remember... I was really happy. To those who couldn't make it tonight... I'll try to meet you guys up else where, and of course... without the cake. ^^"

很感謝一班朋友們來到和我一起慶祝生日. 真的真的很開心, 因為已經好久沒有這樣跟大家一起喝酒, 唱歌, 聊天了... 至於那些無法出席的朋友們, 沒關係啦... 我們以後還有機會, 只不過沒有蛋糕囉 ^^"

And this guy here, without him all those people won't know I will be back that day. Special thanks to him. ^^" By the way, I uploaded other pictures into facebook. Please click on the link to view them all. ^^"

至於這傢伙, 哈哈... 他就是我們的蔥頭哥. 沒他幫我連絡的話, 相信當晚出席的人就不會那麼多了. 感恩喔 ^^" 差點忘了, 更多的照片已經上傳到facebook. 歡迎大家前往參觀... ^^"


新怡 said...


慧慧 said...

happy belated birthday!

阿晶 regine said...

哦, 对哦.. 十日是你的生日.. 忘记啦对不起!


新怡 - 快樂的時候快樂, 失意的時候不開心... ^^" 人之常情嘛~

慧慧 - 謝謝^^"

阿晶 - 生日祝福遲到...罰請一餐~ 哈哈哈哈 至少妳不用頭痛選生日禮物

阿晶 regine said...

可以啦没问题, 你来KL拿吧~

明用一凡  said...



阿晶 - 到最後, 我都不知道要罰妳幾餐才好 =,="

明記 - 有心就好... 阿晶給我很大很大的飛機捏...